Redeemer Lutherhan Church

Praising God, serving neighbors with Christ at the center!


What does it mean to be a Christian?

| June 24, 2021

Seems like a simple question. Though it is a questions that we continually come to incorrect conclusions about. One reason for this is at the center of christianity, at the center of a christian life you find the chief principal has nothing to do with you doing anything and is focused on you simply being. Now what does this mean?

It means that we often try to answer the question, “What does it mean to be a Christian?” similar to how we would answer the question, “What does it mean to be a Doctor?” We think of list of things that one does to accomplish the role of doctor-hood; go to undergrad, get into med school, residency, exams, applications and then the work of healing. No! The question, “What does it mean to be a christian is more like the question, “What does it mean to be a Son?” “What does it mean to be a Daughter?” At the center of the answer to this question is being, you just are!

You have been born again not by a good work or a decision on your part but by the God who moved heaven and earth to be with you. A God who turned his back on His Son, though a willful decision of His Son to suffer and die so you can simply be, be loved by a love that knows no end. What does it mean to be a christian? At bottom it means to be loved! What does it look like for you to hear God whisper in your ear, “There is nothing you could do to make me stop loving you. There is nothing you could do to make me stop loving you. Nothing!” No sin of the past, no shortcoming in family or professional life, no selfishness that clings to and haunts your soul. Today let the love of God envelop you, hold you bless you and keep you. Let His words of love calm your worried and hurried soul.