Redeemer Lutherhan Church

Praising God, serving neighbors with Christ at the center!


Sticks and Stones

| December 17, 2019

The day that I wrote this was Giving Tuesday. You know the day! It is the day that follows Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Small Town Saturday, and Cyber Monday. So today everyone is begging me to give, give often and give much. I imagine you experienced the same thing. My email box is stuffed like a Thanksgiving turkey, with people asking for support – MONEY. Now that’s not a bad thing. It just is a bit overwhelming. Then I received an email from Bill Burmiester, the Estate Planner for CEF (Church Extension Fund). He included the following story. It’s about giving too. But it’s a different kind of giving. Check it out!
Merry Christmas as you remember the greatest gift – Jesus!

Pastor Mark

Sticks and Stones

We have all heard the phrase: Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. Experience tells us nothing can be further from the truth. Words are powerful. They can lift up or destroy.

The Bible speaks often about the impact of words. Proverbs 15:1 states, “A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger”. Ephesians 4:29 says, “Let no corrupting talk come out of our mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear”.

Each of us can recall incidents on both sides of the scale that stir our emotions even today as we think back on them. Did you have the nightmare of the coach, who in front of the team, made a cutting remark about your failure? How did it make you feel? Were you looking to crawl into the nearest hole?

Remember a time when you were struggling, filled with doubt or frustration. Maybe it was a problem at work that defied an easy solution. Much energy had been spent and you were ready to throw in the towel. Amid your angst, your boss recognizes your effort and compliments how you are handling the situation. It’s just what you needed to hear. It put wind in your sails, re-energizing you to find the answer.

We all hold that same power. Do we take time to share a word of encouragement with co- workers? Imagine the positive energy we can unleash with a well-timed complement to our spouse, a child or grandchild.

You can make an amazing difference with your words and actions. Complete your Will or Revocable Living Trust, communicate your wishes and include a Charitable Gift to your most beloved Ministry. Include a Christian Preamble. Talk to the people you want to be Personal Representative, Successor Trustee or Power of Attorney to insure they are willing to perform their duties if needed, and how you want things handled. Encourage them and explain why you want them to fill those roles.

Designating an Estate Gift as part of your Plan can help insure that your favorite ministries are lifted up, encouraged to spread the saving news of Christ and make a positive difference in the world. Please call CEF Gift Planning for suggestions on ways to pass on your wisdom and blessings to your family along with methods to structure Charitable Gifts to ministries you wish to support.